About the Project

The Project title:

Improving the Pediatric Oncology and Hematology services in Romania, trough goods, services and specialized works aquisition


The promoter-project name (PP):

The Oncologic Institute ”Prof.Dr. Al. Trestioreanu” Bucharest

The project-partners names:

Children’s Emergency Clinic Hospital ”Louis Turcanu” – Partner 1

Oncologic Insitute ”Prof.Dr. I. Chiricuță” Cluj-Napoca – Partner 2

Children’s Emergency Clinic Hospital ”Sf. Maria” Iași – Partner 3


Project summary

Now-a-days, over 70% of children and teenagers with cancer can be healed, and for some specific types of tumors, almost all the cases can be healed. The treatment it’s intensive, long-lasting and complex. The satisfiyng surviving chances are directly proportional with the endowent degree of treatment centers as well as the specializaton degree of the multi-disciplinary doctor teams, assistant and health specialists. The insurance of this kind of services demand an adequate financial support. Unfortunately, the children cancer desease treatment centers in Romania have poor endowent, in many situations  being overtaken fuctionaly and tehnicaly with over 25 years oldness age, and in other situations being totally missing. Also, the biggest part of those sections which treats cancer desease at children haven’t had part of investment in arraging and modernization of spaces in last 25 years.

Because of these reasons there are situations when sick children, with a high life expectancy and which normaly are treatable, they could not defeat the desease in Romania. In our country is registered a high number of children with cancer. Yearly are recorded 500 new cases/year and 5000 of children and teenagers in treatment of cancers, in different stages of disease evolution; the late diagnosis rate, in advanced disease in which very few survive is about 50%. The main cause of late diagnosis thus of low surviving and healing rate as well it’s the lack of proper endowent for pediatric oncology centers and the lack of proper spatial divisions in which they are treated.

For treating those children malignancies it requires immediatly equipying and modernization of the pediatric hematology and oncology centers for emergency,  representing in this way the main objective of this project. Also, this project is considering to grow the quality of medical assistance of pediatric oncology-hematology through some training and preparing sessions for treating these disease by involved staff.

The number of specialists, doctors and assistants who are working in the pediatric hematology and oncology is very low in the present because this subspecialty was disbanned in Romania like 10 years ago so there haven’t performed some other new specialists yet.

Project objectives:

Improving medical assistance in the pediatric hematology and oncology domain in Romania, through insurance of the basic infrastructure for a number of 4 regional centers in the country.

The project proposes itself to grow the diagnosis rate in early and treatable stages of pediatric hematology and oncology cases as well as de healing rate useing the modern infrastructure which will be procured through the project.

Project results:

The main results of the project will be the creating of some adequate endowent centers for the complete and complex early diagnostic, according to actual standards, the essential premise for setting the multi-disciplinar oncologic treatment plan for the pediatric hematology and oncology cases, monitoring the evolution of these cases but also creating and providing support for human resource. These results will be found  in the level of those 4 nationally  equipped centers: Bucharest, Iași, Cluj, Timișoara.

Specific objectives:

The specific project objectives:

  1. Early and accurate diagnosis with performant equipments which will be procured through the project.
  2. Ensuring the imagistic monitoring of the intraterapeutic and postterapeutic multi-dusciplinary treatment respons, the main statement of setting the best plan of treatment in any evolutive desease stage.
  3. Training courses for improving the staff activity ( doctors, assistants, nourses) who are working in pediatric hematology and oncology, followed by CMR and OAMR attestation.
  4. Mass-media advertising for reporting people the new imagistic diagnosis resources and for inform population regarding the importance of early diagnosis in children hematologic and oncologic desease.
  5. Ensuring visibility, dissemination and promovation of the project for target population bu also general population.

Estimated results/project results :

  • The growth procentage of pediatric hematology – oncology cases, early diagnosticated and therapeuticresults improved because of the multi-disciplinar treatment plan adapted to patiences risk category with positive involving on surviving
  • Pre-terapeutic evaluation for setting the extention rate of desease, of desease stage, according to it is elaborate the multimodal treatment plan adapted to every case in part.
  • Adapting multi-disciplinar oncologic treatment plan regarding the treament reponse, stabilized also through MRI imagistic evaluation.
  • The diagnosis of recurrences in incipient stages through postterapeutic monitoring in which the treatment cand be able to control the desease.
  • Essential imagistic evaluation for oncologic surgery in ORL sphere, abdomen and pelvis as well as in neurosurgery ( the brainstem and spinal tumors can’t be detected by CT imagistic).
  • A training for 289 medical specialists selected within every partner, having the porpouse of improving the staff activities ( doctors, assistans and nources who are working in pediatric hematology and oncology)
  • Setting the radiothraphy plan by purchasing the CT + MRI, which minimises the secondary effect of irradiation.


By immplementing this project we wish to:

  • Purchasing equipments that will optain improved results because of adapted treatments to the risk category of patiences with positive involvings on surviving, as:
  • 3 MRI devices ( Bucharest, Iași, Cluj)
  • 3 distance monitoring systems (Bucharest, Iași, Cluj)
  • 3 anesthesia devices (Bucharest, Iași, Cluj)
  • Distance monitoring system and anesthesia for radioteraphy device and CT for treatment plan (Bucharest)
  • Portable EKG (Bucharest)
  • Portable ultrasound device (Timișoara)
  • Criocilindru for liquid azote and alimentation (Tmișoara)
  • A device for levels dosage of plasma (Timișoara)
  • Osteodensitometru (Iași);
  • Toxicological analyzer (Iași);
  • Endowent aquisition, supplies and rooms restauration / repair ( painted, repairs and others).
  • A training for 289 medical specialists to improve the staff activity working in pediatric oncology and hematology (doctors, assistants, nourses)
  • Support services aquisition for project implemetation.
  • The achivment of a communication, education and information campaign regarding the pediatric hematology and oncology.
  • A publicity for activities as well for project results.